A Month by Month Way to Get a 3 Month Supply for Your Family
Plus Some Specific Skill Tips in video format.
The Entire Growing in the Garden Playlist for What to Grow Each Month in Arizona
is right above this area on an almost black background with double white lines around it.

KISS - Keep It Simple, *@!#**

I loved the picture and wanted to use it but don’t want to insult your intelligence.  Just remember:  “Preparedness, when properly pursued, is a way of life, not a sudden, spectacular program.” Spencer W. Kimball, 1976 

“We can begin ever so modestly.  We can begin with a one week’s food supply and gradually build it to a month, and then to three months.  I fear that so many feel that a long-term food supply is so far beyond their reach that they make no effort at all.  Begin in a small way…and gradually build toward a resonable objective.”  Gordon B. Hinckley.

Family oriented

Get your children involved.  Check out the preparedness game for 7-11 year olds.  You can find it here on the RedCross page and download it.  It is called “Monster Guard”, was created by Disney and can be found down toward the bottom of the RedCross page.   It looks like fun.  I got stuck in a corner trying to pick up garbage around the house to keep us safe from fires.  I am sure a 7 year old can do a much better job than I can.  It was created by Disney for the Red Cross to give kids 7-11 a safe place to explore being prepared for an emergency.

Information Resources-Below

Check Out the Red Cross

You can start your family plan right here.  Fill in the Red Cross Template and then print it either to you printer or if you don’t have one to a PDF that you can print later.  This is not the only way to do a family plan but it will get you started

What can you find on Ready.gov ?

This is an extensive national site with lots of information.  Including, planning suggestions and suggestion for kit items.


Maracopa County Arizona

Check out your county website for what they are doing and saying about emergency prearedness.  


Arizona State Information

This is an Arizona State site with somewhat different information.  .


Help Prepare Your Kids

Learn how to reduce and manage your childs fears before, during and after a disaster or emergency.

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